Scottish War Tunes

General Buford and his dismounted troopers holding off the Confederates on the morning of July 1, 1863. (Photo Credit:  

During the American Civil War, 1861-65, an Scottish military tune associated with the Campbell Clan of Scotland was heard playing during the bloody battle of Gettysburg . On July 1, 1863, part of Robert E. Lee’s Confederate army had invaded Pennsylvania and faced up to dismounted Union cavalry under General John Buford. The Union troops set up to defend the  high ground around the small town, and win enough crucial time for infantry to arrive. Finally one of the best names of the Army of the Potomac, the Iron Brigade, would arrive, which included musicians, from Wisconsin, Indiana and Michigan regiments. They played the Scottish standard “The Campbells Are Coming” as they marched to Buford’s rescue. The Iron Brigade beat back the troops opposing them and took up a position on MacPherson’s Ridge, which they protected for most of the day until driven back. The Iron Brigade though had delayed the Confederates long enough for the Union army to occupy better ground south of Gettysburg, which allowed them to beat back the opposing army for the next two days and claim a important victory.

The tune is similar to "The Town of Inveraray" with the following martial lyrics added;


The Campbells are coming Ho-Ro, Ho-Ro!
The Campbells are coming Ho-Ro, Ho-Ro!
The Campbells are coming to bonnie Lochleven
The Campbells are coming Ho-Ro, Ho-Ro!


Upon the Lomonds I lay, I lay,
Upon the Lomonds I lay, I lay,
I lookit down to bonnie Lochleven
And saw three perches play-hay-hay!
The Great Argyll he goes before,
He makes the cannons and guns to roar,
With sound o' trumpet, pipe and drum,
The Campbells are coming, Ho-Ro, Ho-Ro!
The Campbells they are a' in arms,
Their loyal faith and truth to show,
With banners rattling in the wind,
The Campbells are coming Ho-Ro, Ho-Ro!

The song may have been inspired by  the Jacobite rising of 1715 , where John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll was the loyalist war leader and and brought out his clan. Campbells also fought for the government side during the 1745/46 rising. The tune may reference those events, however Campbells were prominent in several famous Scottish wars and campaigns; and generally speaking it may be simply a rousing song for the clan to march to.

The song is also attributed to Robert Burns, who wrote a version with added verse which was published in the Scots Musical Museum, a work on Scottish folk songs published between 1787 and 1803.


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